
User Guide


Notes about the command format :

Adding Task : todo / deadline / event

Adds input a todo/deadline/event task and its details to the list. Format :

:bulb: Tip : parameter TASK_DATE should be in the form of YYYY-MM-DD and (TASK/TASK_START/TASK_END)_TIME is written as HH:MM

Examples :

Deleting Task : delete

Deletes the task in the specified task number from the list. Format : delete TASK_NUMBER

Examples :

Marking Task(s) As Done : done

Marks the task(s) in the specified task number(s) from the list. Format : done TASK_NUMBER1, [TASK_NUMBER2], [TASK_NUMBER3], ...

Examples :

Finding Task(s) by Keyword(s) : find

Shows all the task containing the keyword(s). Format : find KEYWORD1, [KEYWORD2], ...

Examples :

Finding Task(s) by Date : show

Shows all the task on the specified input date. Format : show DATE

:bulb: Tip : DATE format should be in the form of YYYY-MM-DD.

Examples :

Sorting Task(s) : sort

Shows the sorted task list (Sorted by date, time, and lexicographic order). Format : sort

Listing Task(s) : list

Lists all the task(s) in the task list. Format : list

Detecting Duplicate(s)

Detects duplicate when adding task. Will not add the task if it already exists in the list.

Saving Data

Saves data to hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Command Summary

Action Format
add a todo todo TASK_NAME
add a deadline deadline TASK_NAME /by TASK_DATE [TASK_TIME]
delete task delete TASK_NUMBER
mark task(s) as done done TASK_NUMBER1, [TASK_NUMBER2], [TASK_NUMBER3], ...
find by keyword(s) find KEYWORD1, [KEYWORD2], ...
find by date show DATE
sort list sort
list list

Task Lists